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During our visit last year in April we encountered much malnutrition. This has prompted us to set up the second project:

Acquisition of arable land and the construction of a farm with the following goals:

  • Growing and harvesting varied food
  • Employment especially boys who have finished school
  • Structure of trade for independent development of orphanage, education and health

The realize farm will be set up so that it can rotate independently. This means that there are a variety of animals on the farm will be present for the production of milk, eggs, meat and fertilizer for agriculture.

The land we want to buy is situated between two rivers which is very valuable for irrigating the fields! The land is 3 hectares (30,000 m2) wide and 400 people will be able to provide a year's worth of food. This means 75 m2 per person food for a year. (1 m2 costs € 5, -, which enables the entire farm can be financed)

For an investment of € 375, - someone has his whole life food.